Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Site Diary 3

A bit slow the last few days. But trying to find a better way than the one normally used to create angles in Inkscape. Well couldn't find one on forums, only choice is to  use my own until something comes up. The choice that is normally used is to draw a line and set a transform, but then you have to place the line where you want it after. So I created an angle wheel (protractor) in 5 degree increments. I put it up on www.blendamites.com/l .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Site Diary 2

It took a bit longer than I thought to get back to writing here. Today I finished part one of the perspective tutorial on my site. I started off just putting basic perspective tutes done in Inkscape primarily doing it the old way.  The idea is that people who want to create 3D drawings, it's great to understand the basic concepts. Even in Inkscape you don't need to know much about the rules, if you use 3D Box. But unfortunately the way to measure angles in Inkscape is still primitve and I worked out a simple way to set up a basic measurement for angle but am yet to put it up.